Wednesday 13 April 2011

Moving on

When I realise that my last blog was on Valentines Day I realise how busy the last couple of months has been and how quickly the time has gone.

So much has changed and I'm still not really sure I've processed it all yet. I've got myself a real job in London and I start next month! I'm going to be working for a charity as an Assistant Trainer on a programme for NEET young people. I will be finishing Uni, moving to London and starting a new job all within a couple of days.

I'm so excited but also quite sad. It's a bizarre feeling really. I can't wait to get into work and church and am so looking forward to living somewhere new and meeting new people. But, I'm really going to miss Southampton, particularly my friends and church family. I just have to remember what an amazing opportunity this is and continue to be thankful that my time in Southampton and all the people I've met have prepared me so well for the next step in my journey!