Monday 3 January 2011

Losing Control...

I've been re-inspired to blog by my brother. So here I am.

I expected to come back to find posts which were now irrelevant but instead, came back to find I had this draft post saved, titled "Losing control..." Ironically, I think that is exactly what has happened. I started the blog intent on focusing on God and giving everything over to Him. And actually during the process I have lost control because I've given it to Him.

After reading my previous posts, I realise God's taught me so much. I may not have remained single or spent an hour with Him every morning but I have given God my desire to be with someone and get married, I've given Him control in my life and can truly say that I want to just please Him.

So, here's to 2011. With God in control, it's definitely going to be incredible.

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